Glenrothes Amateur Swimming Club

Attendance Policy For Squad Swimmers

This policy will be in place from 1st November.

How will it work?

It should be noted that this policy applies to all squads that are organised and supported by Glenrothes ASC, although there are differences between squads. All squad members are required to consistently attend training over a rolling three month period. By analysing attendance over this period of time it allows for training disruption issues such as exams, illness, injuries and holidays, for which the club would remain sympathetic.


Black and White: as these are the club’s top competitive squads, there is an expectation that swimmers will achieve an 84% attendance rate, unless there are special circumstances. Both Black and White squad swimmers must also commit, unless circumstances prevent it, to attending all galas and events advised by the Head Coach as relevant to their age and ability.

Red Squad: Regular attendance level is set at 67 %, or two sessions per week - whichever is lower of the available sessions Red squad swimmers are expected to continue to swim competitively and are actively encouraged to participate in events where possible.

Squads B, C, D, E and F: Regular attendance level is set at 67 %, or two sessions per week - whichever is lower of the available sessions. Swimmers will be advised about age and ability-appropriate galas and events to enter, and there is an expectation that, wherever possible, swimmers will participate. Further information is available from squad coaches.

Masters and Junior Masters: No attendance level is set for these squads. However, attendance will be monitored and if reasonably regular attendance is not being achieved, the Head Coach may decide to review their membership of the club.

Attendance statistics will be checked by the Membership Secretary, who will provide a monthly report for the Head Coach. The Head Coach will review attendances, and will discuss any issues with relevant squad coaches.

Parents/guardians will be emailed to advise if a swimmeris not attending the required percentage and ask how the club can support improve their attendance.

If an email is sent to the same swimmer three months in a row, the club will invite the parents/guardians of the swimmer to a meeting to discuss attendance and to see if there are ways that attendance can be improved.

The club has a number of options at its disposal following the meeting:

  • In special circumstances, allow a temporary period of reduced attendance
  • Move the swimmer to a different squad if this is feasible
  • Revoke the swimmer’s membership

The swimmer’s parent/guardian will be informed in writing of the decision. If the swimmer’s parent/guardian fails to respond to all communications on this matter, the club reserves the right to revoke membership immediately.

The parent/guardian has the right to appeal the decision, and can do so by writing to the Club Secretary. The Club President and Head Coach will make a final decision which will be binding.


An example would be swimmer X attendance at the end of October 2023 is 50 %, an email is sent early November, at the end of November 2023 swimmer X attendance is 55 % , another email is sent early December, at the end of December swimmer x has an attendance of 58 %. Parents are advised in early January 2024 that they are required to attend a meeting to discuss this. If there is no change or if no meeting takes place, an email is sent advising that despite the club’s best efforts swimmer x has now has their membership revoked and they will be no longer to attend training after 31st January.